Long working hours kill a staggering 745,000 people per year

May 17, 2021 | Staffing, Wellbeing | 0 comments

Home  >  Long working hours kill a staggering 745,000 people per year

In the first study of its kind, research from the World Health Organisation has found that 745,000 people died from strokes & heart disease due to increased working hours. The actual number has increased a scary 29% since the year 2000.

Taking a break from our usual positive tone for a moment, it’s becoming increasingly important to make sure we are looking after our staff in all ways & making sure we are protecting our workforce.

The outcome of the study is that that working 55+ hours per week creates an estimated 35% higher risk of a stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from ischemic heart disease, compared to working 35-40 hours a week. These work-related diseases are most common (71%) in middle aged or older men.

Although this study was conducted before the global Covid-19 pandemic, they have evidence that actually shows that people are more at risk since going into lockdown, as working hours actually increased by an average 10%.

Shorter working hours have been widely discussed and proposed, with the suggestion of a 4 day week (32-hour working week) with no reduction in pay.

The 4-day Week campaign suggests that along with the obvious health benefits, the 4 day week would increase productivity amongst the workforce and lead to generally better mental health. The other benefits include the sustainability and positive impact on the environment, a boost to the tourism industries and the opportunity to create stronger local community groups.

Is a 4-day week something you’ve considered trialling in your business – have you already trialled it? We’d love to hear from you.

Read more from the WHO study on the WHO website, here:



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