West Midlands Gigafactory gets the ‘go ahead’

Jan 14, 2022 | Growth, Manufacturing, Technology, Transport | 0 comments

Home  >  West Midlands Gigafactory gets the ‘go ahead’

The Gigafactory will create 6,000 new jobs and will manufacture lithium-ion batteries for the automotive and energy industries.

Despite a large number of objections to the site from locals, parish councils and charities, Warwick District Council have given the go-ahead for the new Gigafactory.

Warwick District Council leader Andrew Day said “In the past 100 years, there has probably not been a more important decision for the British automotive industry. A new industrial revolution is underway and once again the West Midlands is playing a key part.” 

Why is this Gigafactory so important?

With the enormous uptake of electric vehicles, this couldn’t come at a better time for the UK automotive industry. It’s estimated that there are now more than 740,000 plug in vehicles registered in the UK.

With the ability to manufacture and recycle battery technology in the UK, we’re not only going to be able to progress with the production of electric cars but the flexibility of energy storage becomes more of a reality. The concern is about demand on the National Grid with the increase of electric cars on the road. Surely energy storage is the way to go – this would free-up the peak demand on the grid and allow homeowners to generate greener energy combined with solar technologies.

The Gigafactory will adopt a Net Zero transport and logistics strategy with excellent access to the UK’s motorway network as well as electrified road and rail options saving seven million miles of HGV traffic on roads annually.

Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands says:

“Not only will a Gigafactory support the future of our region’s automotive sector, creating thousands of new jobs, but it will also help protect our planet from the climate change emergency. It

Good to go, then?

It’s not quite all signed off yet though, the bid still needs backing from a car company and from government. Campaigners say that the giant factory would be much better placed elsewhere. The plans would see Coventry Airport close and would have a huge negative impact on the companies who use it.

Find out more about the Gigafactory here:



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